Hi I’m Jon B. Carroll “I spent a little time on the mountain” Now I take pictures

From Will Cross Roads Alabama – Welcome to my new effort at keeping a journal. Its low-tech and semi off-grid. I decided to ditch my internet connection, cable television and iphone. I got an old flip phone (the ringer doesn’t work) then set up voicemail so I can check messages and emails once a day. If there is a true emergency, the sheriff can find me.
Ive realized and finally gotten to a point in life where nothing matters.
I do not need to know current events, nor do I care how the market performs. Nor do I need nor care what day it is.

BTW this is being written on the hood of my truck (its hot as fuck in Alabama) on a ipad that has a wireless data connection.
So I’m not a total luddite. If technology has an advantage in my opinion its the ability to simplify ones life not complicate it.

Not having tv, internet and a phone ringing all day is freedom. I realize this is not for everyone but I am reading more and playing my banjo again. And Im getting ready to spend more time fishing.

My hope is it makes for less stress. Instead of hearing political arguments and being exposed to people and their differences – I can play with my dogs, go to the local store for a cup of coffee and really sustain my focus on photography.

Next step will be ditch the flip phone and put in a landline or better yet set up a system so someone can leave messages for me at the local store and Ill check them weekly.
Adios amigos as my hispanic friends say.