My mother's room at the nursing home
Few things I will miss more than going to Johnny Boyd's store during the...
We have a new business in Abbeville with Santa on the roof.
My mother Bettie Carroll, waiting for Santa Claus at the Henry County Nursing...
I’m gone to see about a girl. Let your heart rule.
Near the Colorado Wyoming line, urban sprawl to the south and cattle to the...
My mother’s response when I asked about the Trump-Harris race.
the Billywillies
My first Grateful Dead show
German prisoners of war picking peanuts in Barbour county, 1943
My mother being told her favorite ice cream - Blue bell is about to shut down.
Appalachain cuisine at its finest, fried whole okra at the Over Yonder.
Charcoal study from dream, abused and abuser
Several years ago I drove a motorcyle from southern Arizona up to Alaska.
Store window in Abbeville Alabama compliments of Jimmy Rane.
When I first saw her she was a young
My friend and master carpenter Dan DeMayo
I was at George Bagby State Park in Fort Gaines Ga.