2am on Christmas Morning
Our middle child is sick. We are both still up at 2am on Christmas morning, trying everything in the book to get her to sleep so we can sneak a stocking into her room, and go to bed ourselves. Luckily this year her younger sister doesn't appear to be on a hair trigger.
The rest of the presents are under the tree, and everything is pretty much done. We wrapped everything last nightor rather, W wrapped most of it while I kept watch. I had to deal with middle girl about five times in three hours, and had to turn eldest around on the stairs and fetch her a drink (I'm still convinced she knew exactly what was going onshenever walks down the stairs to get a drink beyond 10pm normally).
So yes last night ended at about 3am. Tonight is heading the same way. I don't know how we're going to survive the rest of the day, because the little monsters will wake in perhaps 4 hours, and go crazy (quite right too).
Christmas Morning in our house is always mayhem. We've seen the stage managed version of Christmas that happens in some people's houses, and it goes against every memory of Christmas we have. Christmas morning is all about excitement, and mayhem, and chaos, and shouting, and parents trying not to tear up in front of their own children (or is that just me?).
I spend the better part of Christmas Eve either playing with the children, or calling my family via the computer and webcam. Our youngest delighted in talking to the grandparents she won't be seeing this Christmas, and her cousin that lives several hundred miles north of us.
AnywayI guess this is as good a time as any to get reflective, and to wish you a “Merry Christmas”, or “Happy Holidays” as the politically correct crowd would rather have it. I hope your day goes smoothly, that no disasters befall family gatherings, and that you are well, happy, and loved.