43rd Lap

I have now been a living, breathing creaturefor the time it takes the ball of mud we all share to hurtle aroundan insignificant G type main sequence star 43 times. Wowthat was an opening sentence and a half.

It's kind of sad that I'm no longer on the same lap as the number that Deep Thoughtthe computer built by the people of Magratheadetermined as the answer to “life, the universe, and everything” (which coincidentally is the category I apportion all posts to within my WordPress blog).


Before anybody asks if I'm doing anything special today, no I am not.Life carries on in our household as per normalthe endless cycle of washing clothes, making meals, washing dishes, ferrying children to after-school-clubs, and so on. In between making bacon sandwiches and washing up this morning I did get a chance to open my presents and cards. The children bought me a huge book about comic books, which I will nerd out over later tonight if I get a chance. My other half bought me the Filofax I wrote about recently, but given the hilariously vague descriptions of Filofaxes on Amazon, we will be exchanging it for the one I really meant, rather than the one Amazon thought I meant.

In other news, I finally did something about my “sensible” blog last nightthe one attached to my vanity domain name (if you didn't know, I own a domain name that corresponds with my name). I had been using Squarespace to host content there, but had grown increasingly weary of the speed it (doesn't) respond, and the size of the pages it generates. I guess only a web developer would worry about such things, but cutting a long and boring story very short indeed, I switched to the “Ghost” content publishing platform. I've used it before, and I should never have left it.