A Few Words

Here I am again – sitting in bed with the old netbook propped on my lap, writing this post in a text editor, rather than trust any of the clever-dick word processors, or online writing environments that so many seem to rely on.

I've always been something of an anarchist when it comes to technology – always wanting to do my own thing. There was that brief dalliance with Apple hardware in the mid 2000s (you know – before we had children, when we had any disposable income at all), but since then it's been crappy second-hand hardware, and free software all the way.

I remember standing in the Apple Store, waiting for them to fetch my Macbook. I remember that feeling – the same feeling you had when you were young, and you were taken out to buy something with the money relatives might have given you for Christmas. And then you realise that it's all marketing bullshit – that the Apple hardware is good, but it's not worth twice the price of a comparable PC – and the operating system is essentially Linux with the rough edges smoothed off.

My netbook cost about 200, about six years ago. At the time, Macbooks cost about 850. Today, a Macbook will set you back double that.

I'm going to shut up before I start on a rant about people buying labelled goods like sheep. I was only going to write a few words, and look at me – off on a soap-box tirade yet again.

I should be asleep. Football match in the morning, shopping in the afternoon, and then a (hopefully) drunken video-game night with friends later. All I know so far is that beer has been purchased, and there is talk of some driving game or other that we'll all pretent to be good at.