A night out with friends

To mark the departure of the girl I have shared an office with for the last three years, a group of us headed out yesterday evening – first to the local pub where the managers would stop by for a drink, and latterly into town to the supposed “bar of the moment”.

I think it's fair to say that I don't get out much any more – I actually can't remember the last time I just went out with friends on a Friday night, and hit the bars. It would certainly be in the years before children, and even then very rarely. So last night was interesting...

When not shouting as loud as possible in each other's ears to be heard, I looked around once or twice, and quietly grinned. Thankfully nobody noticed me grinning.

I wonder if the guy in the duffle coat and fake horn rimmed hipster spectacles knew how much of an idiot he looked? I pointed him out to a couple of our group – one of whom didn't realise the glasses were for effect – and one of the girls provided the best explanation ever;

“Why would somebody do that?”

“Because they're a f*cking idiot”

I became fascinated with the men in their mid 40s or early 50s who were trying desperately to look as they had in their 20s. Marine hair cuts, designer t-shirts, once worn denim jeans – factory faded to look just-so. Why? Why do that?

While idly looking around, my gaze was met more than once by pretty women – usually among groups of their friends. I quickly realised how relieved I was to be out of that whole “thing”, and happily turned away.

As my watched ticked towards 11pm I recalled a promise to a seven year old girl earlier in the evening – and said my goodbyes before running across the road to the all-night supermaket.I left with a kinder egg for each daughter, and a chocolate bar for myself.