A picture paints a thousand words
I've been wondering about including photos in my written posts. I swore them off for some time, because once you start including photos in posts, it sets a precedent (or at least, it does in my mind). It's probably my own insanity – wanting things to be “just so”. I'm thinking that once I start attaching photos to posts, I will want to continue doing so, and then I'll have random posts about nothing in particular, and won't be able to decide on a photo to go with it.
Yeah... I'm a bit mad, and I worry over ridiculous things that I end up not doing anyway.
This blog is filled with an awful lot of words though. Maybe I should add some links in the margin to “me elsewhere” – links to Instagram, and Tumblr (I use the same name everywhere). No doubt by the time you read this I will have added them.
I don't have much to share today.
While travelling back from a work meeting with a co-worker, we ended up talking about books, and I told him about “Ready Player One”. It still seems to be something of a geek secret – I can't believe more people don't know about it.