A Private Video Diary
I never quite know from one day to the next what damn fool escapade I'll be involved in next. Tonight has been all about recording a private video diary – my eldest daughter's idea – a means of recording her thoughts about struggles with daily life – a way to empty her head, I suppose.
We now know how to upload videos to YouTube, how to edit them within YouTube, and how make sure that nobody ever sees them.
It seems a bit backwards, doesn't it – uploading videos to YouTube that nobody will ever see – but YouTube will store video for free, so it's a bit of a no-brainer.
And no, I'm not about to become a YouTuber. I'm only figuring this stuff out to help my daughter. Honest. No – really. Given how long it takes me to record the podcast each week, I dread to think how much more complicated it would become to record a video, where you have to not only sound interesting, but look good too.
I'll stick to blogging, and occasional podcasting. And maybe a private video diary for a few days – just to see if it's useful to my own mental health.