A Rare Evening Out

After arriving home from work this evening, and sitting down with a cold drink to recover from the bike ride home, I checked my phone for email.

“I've been invited out for a drink!”

“Well why don't you go then?”

I paused for thought. I can't remember the last last time I went out for a drink on my own with friends. Actually, I can – several years ago when a girl I used to work with left the company. Tonight was a similar occasion in a way – meeting one co-worker that left just before Christmas, and another who is due to leave next week. A re-union and departure rolled into one.

An hour later – after having a shower, changing clothes, and eating dinner – I wandered down the road to the local pub. At the final turn before the pub I spotted one of my colleagues in the distance, but didn't chase after him – since having flu over Easter a chest infection has pretty much floored me – I struggle for breath if I exert myself.

Tonight was fun. We sat outside in the pub garden for a while and caught up with each other, then as the sky grew dark and the temperature dropped, we snuck back in and bagged a table near the bar. One pint of beer turned into a second, and finally a third before heading out into the night air to find our way home.

I had forgotten what it is like to go out as “me” – not a Dad, not a husband, not a partner, not a software or web developer – just “me”, spending time with old friends. I need to do it more often.