A Walk in the Woods

We spent this afternoon in the local woods, encouraging the girls to run riot. Given their background, it is hardly surprising that they don't know what to do when offered (almost) complete freedom – and such was the case when we got out of the car.

“Which way are we going?”

“You can go anywhere you like, as long as you stay in sight – godirty. It's slowly working – their confidence is growing – as evidenced by the loads going through our washing machine.

We want our children to have the childhood we had.

This afternoon during one of the more perilous exploits from the kids I was reminded of a good friend from Cornwall who visited recently – and her little girl who found herself hanging from the top of the climbing frame in the nearby park with nowhere to put her feet. She began shouting “Help!” ever more desperately – not knowing I had arrived right under her as soon as I saw what she had done.

I guess that's the trick, isn't it – to let your children get into trouble without realising that you are right behind them – ready to catch at the last moment.