A Wanderer Returns
I've lost count of the number of times I've walked away from Wordpress, only to return a few months later. I do it at least once a year on average. This time I turned up first at Ghost, then LiveJournal, and finally Squarespace before returning. There's probably an impressive sounding psychological condition that explains it all. I'll go with “a bit nuts”.
It's good to be back.
So what can I report from my adventures? Perhaps that LiveJournal is far from dead? That there is an entire world of “other people” out there, waiting to be found? That Tumblr is still a load of rubbish? That Ello still exists (remember Ello? the upstart social network that gained more traction than the rest of the internet combined for about 48 hours?).
I'm still very much the same person that wandered from the tent a couple of months ago, murmuring “I may be some time”. Unlike Captain Oats though, I've found my way back again. First task will be to find those I used to follow, and start making excuses for my absence really rather quickly.
“Jonathan was not blogging for the last two months because he had a bad cold” really doesn't cut it, does it.