A Wanderer Returns
After a couple of days away with work, I return this evening to a mountain of email, a Tumblr dashboard a mile long, a neglected WordPress installation filled with all manner of new followers that I didn't go looking for, and a Twitter account also piled high with new followers.
I was gone for two days. Go figure.
As is usual, I can't really talk about where I have been, or what I have been doing, but I have returned home with quite a bit of knowledge that might be useful in the future. I'm wearing too many hats at the moment at work, and it's not fun. The girl I used to work with left to take on a system architect role at a manufacturing company; almost exactly what I did when I was her age. I'll admit to being enviousI would jump at a similar chance.
People say the grass is always greener, don't they. I guess that applies to most thingsrelationships, work, location I'm too much of a plodder to make any significant changes in my life (unless Google come calling again of course, with a carrot too good to refuse).
Anyway I have lots of things not to do, and places not to go. It's hard work, doing nothing.