Absent Minded and Distracted

While cycling home from work, I had a great idea for something to write about. The memory that I thought of something great to write about is a strong one. The actual “thing” I thought of has gone though. This happens to me a lot.

I finished washing up this evening a little after 8. I would have finished at 7, but such is the mayhem around here at the moment, we've had no washing up liquid for 2 days, and no chance to go any buy any. I threw what I could in the dishwasher, hooked half of it back out (my other half still labors under the false assumption that dishwashers are magic, and will wash anything), and wandered out into the cold night air to buy some washing up liquid. I live such an exciting life.

I returned with a 4 pack of pear cider, a giant bag of M&Ms, and various other things. After kicking my shoes off and putting the drink in the fridge, I spotted the washing up. I had forgotten all about it – despite buying the washing up liquid.

So – an hour later, and all the pots and bowls are washed up, and put away. The children are sat in the lounge watching “The Box of Delights” – a 1980s television show we picked up from a sale DVD section while trying to buy chicken food at the garden centre last weekend. A week later and this is the first chance they have had to sit and watch it.

Are you starting to see how my life follows no predictable path?

Tomorrow was going to be football in the morning, but that has now been cancelled. The rest of the family have been roped into the middle school Christmas Fayre in the morning – I imagine I'll have to show my face, and hand out money like Al Bundy to the kids so they can supercharge themselves on garbage.

Tomorrow night we're off to the Pantomime, to see Craig Revel Horwood (yes, he of “Strictly” fame) starring as an ugly sister (I think). On Sunday the kids are off to Sunday School with their Mum while I return Miss Eight's rugby trophy so somebody else can win it. Something else is happening on Sunday afternoon, but I don't recall what yet.

Oh... and I'm on the train all next week – on Monday to a far flung client, and the rest of the week deep into the bowels of Microsoft to learn about SharePoint 2013.

I'm kind of looking forward tonext weekend, and hopefully doing nothing already.

Getting back to the title of this post, I sat down to write this, and spent twenty minutes following various music rat-holes while trying to figure out what to listen to. It all started when I saw a Tumblr post about your first single or album; mine was “Apollo 9” by Adam and the Ants. My first album was “Give my Regards to Broad Street” by Paul McCartney. I remember listening to it endlessly... I still love the songs on that album now; they are like old friends.