Aligning the Planets
A couple of weeks ago I announced to the world (or rather, announced to a random passer-by) that I was shuttering my public blog. Within hours I had of course resurrected the content quietly in a forgotten back-water of the internet, and started posting again – because I'm stupid like that.
I'm also stupid enough to want the same name everywhere, so I renamed the accounts at Instagram, Pinterest, LiveJournal and Tumblr to match. I guess in this new universe of my own idiotic creation, Blogger was “the one ring to rule them all” – or rather “the one URL to rule them all”, only I didn't really tell anybody – let alone myself.
Tonight I stopped the cross-posting idiocy (I had been copying the written posts out to Tumblr and LiveJournal), and will concentrate on emptying my head here, and only here. If anybody is dedicated enough to read even half of the garbage I churn out, this will be the place to read it. With that in mind, I have finally gotten around to hooking up Feedburner, and Google Analytics.
Feedburner means you can subscribe by email, and Google Analytics means I can obsess over the visitor statistics. In reality, it's kind of hard to become interested in the same three or four people reading each day, but at least I'll know if any stalkers appear and read 90 posts in one night... it's happened before. Actually, the record is far higher than that, and they're probably reading this right now – I'm not going to worry too much about it.
Anyway. This was a geeky post on behalf of the nerd party. Back to random utterances in the morning. As you were.