All Quiet on the Western Front

I woke up at 7am this morning, and discovered that the bed was strangely empty. Slowly the truly bizarre dream I had been having about trying to clean up an inflatable octapus that had dissolved on the kitchen counters (yes, really) vanished into the memoryless place that dreams go, and the real world pieced itself back together.

Middle school summer fayre, and of course my other half has been roped into running something again. Of course none of the people who expect her to do things saw her break down in tears in the weekthey just expect. If it wasn't for people like her, a lot of the things people take for granted wouldn't exist or happen.

You think parents put their kids in Brownies because it's a positive learning experience for them that will help them in later life? Sorry to break it to you, but a bigger proportion of the kids than anybody is willing to admit are just there because it's cheap childcare for the evening. It annoys the hell out of me.

The same goes on at school functions. Last year my other half got roped into running a stall all day, and another parent was expected to relieve her at lunchtime. I happened to bump into the other parent on the other side of the field, who appeared to be hiding so she didn't have to do anything. Unbelievable.

Some people think I have a chip on my shoulder about this kind of stuffand perhaps I do. It just annoys me that some people take advantage of the generosity and hard work of others, and contribute nothing themselves.

Anyway! Our eldest daughter had a friend over for a sleepover last night. When I came down this morningmaking sure I was wearing clothes, instead of my usual boxers and t-shirt pre-shower attireour guest was nowhere to be seen. My other half saw me look in through the lounge door;“She's gone”“Already?”“She called her Mum in the middle of the nightshe didn't feel well”You can imagine how happy our eldest daughter is about it allshe doesn't have many friends, very rarely has sleepovers, and then this happens. I'm going to have to bring my “Dad A-Game” today to cheer her up.

Late breakfast at Starbucks, anybody?