Amazon Fire TV
We finally plugged in the Amazon Fire TV this evening, and decommissioned the XBox 360 from the lounge. Of course now I have nothing to plug the X-Box into, but it didn't really matter. Rather than go on and on, boring you to death, I'll condense the review of Fire TV down to a few words – Seriously impressive.
I guess I need to get a new TV at some point for the X-Box.
We started watching “Alphas” on the Fire TV. Oh. My. God. I don't think it would be quite so funny if we lived in the US, because it would strike too close to home, but... SO funny. Given that Texas just voted in a guy that thinks global warming is a hoax... no words.
Nearly forgot – took the kids to the local fireworks display this evening – part of the annual celebration of Guy Fawkes nearly getting away with blowing the government to bits several hundred years ago (I think I got that right).
Anyway... there is a pile of washing up waiting in the kitchen for me, and nobody else is going to do it...