An Introduction of Sorts
It would seem appropriate to tell new readers a bit about myself. Of course this is easier to say than do (you suddenly become very introspective, and start filtering all sorts of things out, then writing them in, then filtering them back out again), but I'll have a go;I live in England (yes, I have the English accent too). I grew up near Oxford.
I am married to a lovely girl that I met on the internet back when it was very rare indeed to do so. For years that whole conversation about how we met would draw fascinated gazes from everybody. We have put up with each other for over 10 years now, and even claim to quite like each other from time to time.
We have three young childrenall girlsall adopted. We went from zero children to three overnight, after 2 years wrestling our way through the various levels of bureaucracy involved in adopting. They are brilliant, and have become most of my happy thoughts. The kids are eerily similar in both appearance and character to Agnes, Edith, and Margo in Despicable Me.
We have three catsbrothersall ginger. They might look cute and cuddly, and amuse people with their antics, but it's all an act. They are evil killing machines that study human behaviour, and gently tip the balance of the world against their human captors purely for their own amusement.
We had two chickens. We get visited by foxes from time to time, and the foxes seem to delight in disassembling the chickens all over the garden. Most recently they just vanished into thin air.
I work as a software and web developer. While it sounds lofty and clever, in reality it means I spend most of my day headbutting the desk, or pretending to know what I'm doing.
Many years ago I studied art at collegethe only clues that still exist are a few sketchbooks with drawings of people in them. I spent the better part of two years drawing and photographing people in various states of undress. Sometimes I draw cartoon doodles at lunchtime, and people say “oh, you're really good!”, but have no clue that the doodles should really be much better than they areThe internet has slowly but surely become my escape from “real life”. In the few minutes I get to myself each day, I invariably jump straight down the rabbit hole, and catch up with far flung friends I am very unlikely to ever meet.
So there you go. I post most days, and am trying to get back to “brain dump” type posts, rather than trying to impress anybodyso it should remain completely and utterly random, but hopefully fairly humorous, anarchic, and entertaining.