An Unexpected Education
I'm not entirely sure how I'm still awake – or how I'm going to make it through the evening. We're taking part in a charity quiz tonight, along with a team of friends and neighbours – but I was up until 2am last night editing the most recent episode of the podcast and releasing it to the internet. We didn't start recording until 11pm, because life has a habit of unravelling on me at the moment. What an episode though.
I talked to a blogger called Jade, that I've known on Tumblr since the beginning. Before calling I will admit to being a little nervous – she was one of the inspirations behind the podcast – I knew her back-story was a little more extreme than most. I need not have worried. Before I knew it an hour had passed – we could have carried on. We talked about life, loss, hardship, drugs, alcohol, writing, photography, and everything inbetween. I don't think I've talked to anybody quite like her before, and it served as a reminder of how unexpected and wonderful the podcast has become.
I set out on the podcast journey with the aim of talking to friends and acquaintances around the world – to find out their journey. I never predicted just how challenging or thought provoking those journeys might be, when heard from the horses mouth. Walking in somebody else's shoes – even for an hour – has become an education of sorts.