And So It Starts...

We retrieved our Christmas decorations from the attic tonight – with predictably violent hyperventilation, gasps, and vomit inducing excitement from the children.

This is the year their experience of Christmas gets rolled back to zero. The year we instill our memories of Christmas past into Christmas present. Perhaps most importantly, this year we set precedents for years to come.

The wonder on their faces as we opened the various boxes was fantastic. Whispers of “wow”. Inhalation. Wide eyes. Gaping mouths.

They even liked the voodoo wicker snowman, that looks like an extra from the mice version of “The Wicker Man”.

(on a geeky note, I took the photo with the iPhone through an app called “Night Camera” – that uses the accelerometers to detect when the camera is not moving in order to take sharp photos in the dark. I wish I had bought it ages ago. The photo was further tarted up by “Camera Bag”, which made it look like a “Helga” had taken it)