Another week, another city

At the time of writing, the clock is rapidly heading towards 11pm, and I'm sitting in the study at home with an empty wine glass, knowing I should probably be in bed already. I return to London tomorrow morning. The weeks feel like they are crashing into each other like the rock giants in the Hobbit at the moment.

Today was a good day. I took our eldest daughter to see “Mr Peabody and Sherman” at the cinema. On the way we stopped off at a cafe that I know serves gluten free muffins and bought the two biggest, most sickly looking creations money could buy. Miss 13 was fitted with a brace on her teeth on Friday, and we've been slowly convincing her that cake, and soft bread are perfectly OK with a bracenothing is going to get bent or broken in her mouth. The double chocolate muffin seemed to finally defeat her fears.

Mr Peabody and Sherman was fun. For the first ten minutes I feared it could be a very, very slow couple of hours of my life, but before I knew it I was laughing out loud, and also wiping away a tear or two. The funniest joke of the entire movie (for me) was a Spartacus reference, and I burst out laughing in the middle of the cinemaI was the only person that did.

In other news, I bought Miss 13 her first pair of Chucks, and a pair of gym shoesto be honest I felt sorry for hershe's been doped up on pain-killers ever since having the brace, and is trying to be braveshe broke down in tears on Saturday night. You can say all you like about the end-product being a beautiful smile, but all she sees at the moment is a year of pain ahead.

As much as we hate it to happen, because I have been away so much with work the whole family dynamic is swinging aroundparticularly with our eldestto me being good cop, and Mum being bad coppurely because she has had to deal with everything going on in my absence. When I got back from this trip Miss 13 had lost her TV, Hudl, and numerous other items, which were stacked all over the desk in the study. Taking her out today and buying her stuff probably wasn't the best idea in the world, but heyDads are allowed to spoil their kids, aren't they ?Right. Time is marching on. I have a 5:30am start to make breakfasts before heading to the station in the morning. Four days of the London commute to come. Then another four. Then back to Leeds, then back to York (although nearly everything is marked as “to be confirmed” on the calendar).