Automatic, Unplanned, Unnecessary

While scrolling through Twitter earlier this evening, I stumbled upon a random question – “Write three words that describe your style of writing”. Almost without hesitation, I wrote “Automatic, Idiotic, Necessary”. Then I started writing this post about it, and realised I should have written “unplanned” instead of “idiotic” – partly because I know people will jump on me for claiming my writing is “idiotic”, but also because I tend to think of it being idiotic in the same light as unplanned – or rather, I don't plan, and you might argue that not planning is idiotic. Maybe. I'm probably not making much sense.

The idea of automatic writing appeals to me – the act of sitting down and just letting the words go without any forethought. I'm kind of doing now I suppose – not really thinking much further than the next half a sentence. I wonder if we all do that while we are writing? How far ahead has our brain really worked, before telling our fingers to type this, that, or the other? I fear mine doesn't travel very far ahead at all.

The idea of writing being necessary in some way is appealing too. If I didn't empty my head into the keyboard, what would happen to all the thoughts, memories, ideas, and stories I have recorded? Would I even remember they happened? While out and about I often think of things to write about, then castigate myself later in the day when I realise that all I can remember is there was something I wanted to write about – but the actual thing has gone.


I'm sitting in the junk room at home, wondering where the day went. The clock is already ticking past 9pm. It does that – it just keeps ticking, no matter what you do. It's quite annoying sometimes. All I seem to have done this evening is wash up – there was lots of Christmas cooking going on in the kitchen last night, and then I had to leave for work early this morning. The end result was a scene of devastation this evening not seen around these parts for many years.

I was going to read a book this evening – and then started reading twitter – and then started writing this. I really am my own worst enemy.