Back in the Office
I'm back in the office today. Staring out of the window at the blue sky and cotton wool clouds floating past, wishing I wasn't here. All I seem to have achieved so far today is a review and edit of a long document written by an ex-co-worker (can you have multiple hyphens like that?). I did some other stuff, but I can't really say what, or where, because it would likely land me in trouble knowing my luck.
It's heading towards 4pm, and I'm waiting for a huge file to copy across the network.
I've been up since 6am – our middle daughter went on a school trip to a television studio today, so we had to get to the school at some ridiculously early time. I bumped into a friend in the car park, and we both blinked at each other, wiping sleep from our eyes. As the afternoon draws on, it feels like somebody has attached weights to my eyelids.
The file has finished copying. Unzipping now. Unzipping will take half an hour – enough time to write a blog post I guess.
So tired. I meant to write somebody about the journey home last night, but the actual train journey was entirely unremarkable. Five trains in two hours – they all departed when they said they would, and arrived at their destinations on time. I wandered into the house at about 7pm, and started washing up immediately – my other half had already left for a school meeting. I didn't make any dinner – I had been eating cookies on the way home and felt pretty sick. All my own fault.
I generally live in fear of work email arriving, or the desk phone ringing these days. As long as they remain silent, everything is fine.
This has been a boring post on behalf of the tired party.