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Every so often I realise I'm trying too hard at this blogging larkpre filtering everything I might write, instead of just emptying my head into the keyboardrecording the happenings of the day. If Iwait for something thought provoking to write about, I might not give myself an excuse to write for several days. Quite often each day rolls into the nextlike some kind of Groundhog Day infested hell. Hardly a great inspiration for interesting and witty stories to share with unknown internet passers by.
So what shall we do about it? Maybe just write. Empty my head. Some of it will be boring rubbishsome of it will be interesting and funand the vast majority of it will be utterly forgettable dross. Like this post.
Today didn't really happen. Wellobviously itdid happen, but it doesn't feel like I accomplished anything at all.
After getting up later than I have in some time, I rolled out of bed and spent half an hour tidying the house up, putting some washing in the machine, and washing dishes. My other half and the younger children had gone to help out at the School Christmas bazaar, so I spent an hour with our eldest daughter, looking at add-ons for “The Sims” with her. Eventually I left to find my way down to the bazaar too (it always seems like I spell bazaar incorrectlyit's weird).
After walking in the door I was met by a good friend that lives across the way from uswho instantly emptied my wallet in return for a program, and an entry into a prize draw. Damn pretty ladies standing in school fund-raiser doorways.
I found our middle daughter in charge of money at Santa's Grottowith a line of parents and children against the edge of an adjacent classroom looking pretty fearful of her organisational skills (she's the bossiest kid I know).
After wandering along the main hall, festooned with cakes, raffles, and various craft stalls, I found my way along the corridor to the gymwhere my other half was running a stall. As I approached, our youngest appeared from the sea of children milling around the various Christmas candy stalls to tug on my sleeve.“Come to my classroom to shoot a teacher”“What?”“Come and see”Distracted by my other half talking at me, I turned around and Miss 10 had gone. For the next twenty minutes I wandered from room to room around the school, but couldn't find her anywhere. I had to go grocery shopping anyway, so went and said my goodbyesand found her in the queue to see Father Christmas in the grotto.
After escaping the bazaar, I went straight to the grocery store and did battle with the armies of old people out buying their Christmas shopping. Oh. My. Word. How slowly can some people walk around a supermarket ? I wanted to barge people out of the way, and shout things at them about indecision, but of course I didn'tI stood and smiled while they stopped in the middle of aisles, looking at pieces of cheese.
While I was off work last week I noticed how much more annoying shopping is mid-week. Usually I'm holed up in an office somewhere, headbutting the desk repeatedlybut last week I got the chance to escapeand met the army of old people that seem to appear while we are all at work. I'm sure they don't set out to be annoying, but OH MY GOD are they?! I'm not sure if it's the “not preparing for anything”, or the “putting on a helpless act” that annoys me more. Maybe they enjoy getting in the way? I know I will when I'm old.p.s. “shoot a teacher” turned out to be a game with a nerf gun, and photos of teachers on a board.