Back to Earth

After the somewhat epic journey home yesterday, and a pizza and movie night with the children (we watched ‘Justice League’), this morning has very much been a case of 'back to earth with a bump’.

I got up at 6:30am to watch the end of the F1 qualifying in Australia, realised Mercedes are going to have a cake-walk again this year, and switched it off.

After having a shower and throwing some clothes on, I started wandering from room to room – picking things up, putting things away, emptying bins, and doing all the other things that tend to slip if there’s only one of us here. The kids appeared to have spent the week in the junk room tap-dancing grit into the carpet, so guess who spent quite some time attempting to vaccuum it all back up.

(a few minutes pass, because I realise the washing machine has has fallen silent)

It’s now 10am, and I’m taking a break – nursing a cup of coffee, writing this, and tinkering – because given the chance, you’ll always find me in front of a computer doing something or other that doesn’t really need doing.

I installed Statcounter on the blog this morning – I didn’t realise you could add it to blogs. See – you might think of me as intelligent, and clever, and all those other words, but I’m really no better than anybody else. We’re all clever at different things – and it appears I wasn’t so clever at realising this was even possible. I’m not sure what stats StatCounter will give me over the WordPress stats – particularly on a free account – but I suppose it will provide a diversion for a while. I have no illusions though – relatively few people read my blog, and that’s not going to change any time soon because I never market it.

This is where I go off on one about blogs that tell you how to live your life. Really? Why do some people get off on telling you what to wear, what to do, where to go, and so on? I can understand blogs that explain how to do things – like how to fix things, or configure things, or cook things – but the whole 'how to look, dress, behave’ niche needs to be burned to the ground – along with all the 'look at all these clothes I bought – aren’t I wonderful’ vlogs on YouTube.

I have a special level of disdain reserved for the 'lifestyle’ bloggers, who wander the earth with an SLR in hand, recording themselves and their perfect children on catalogue advert photoshoot days-out. Actually – the whole 'selfie travel photo’ thing annoys me too. If you’re visiting somewhere, why the hell would you want to be in your own photo of the place ? Not only are you obscuring the view of somewhere that’s probably really interesting, you also come across as the biggest narcissist in the known universe. If you’re going to take a photo of yourself, fine – take the photo of YOU – don’t ruin a perfectly good photo of somewhere you are visiting by standing in the damn way of it. We know you went there, because you took the bloody photo – you don’t have to prove it by being in the photo.

I’ll get off my soap-box now. Maybe it’s just me that (usually quietly) rails against these things. I’m going to stop writing before I think of something else to complain about.