Back to Work
The clock is ticking towards midnight, and you find me sitting in the dark of the junk room after watching the latest chapter in the Game of Thrones saga. I'm still fighting a chest infection, but that hasn't stopped me putting in a couple more hours of overtime – continuing to quietly construct a software leviathan of sorts. A leviathan that few will ever see, but that may impact more than most would guess.
The new laptop arrived today – I replaced the hardware, tripled it's RAM, and installed Windows 10 on it this evening. It's ridiculously fast compared to anything else in the house. The only remaining improvement will be a replacement battery – to double it's life away from a power source. A slip case might not be a bad idea too.
While I write this, my other half is toiling away in the lounge – sewing dresses for a dance show at the weekend. Neither of us has much of a life at the moment.
Anyway. Time to go brush my teeth then fall fast asleep before doing it all again tomorrow. And again the day after.
Before you say it, I know the “too much work makes Jon a dull boy” story only too well. I've installed Scrivener on the new laptop. I'm writing this post in it, as it happens – when work slows down a little in a month or so, I'll start thinking about writing a few stories.