
I’m writing this post at 1:21am on Saturday night. The blog will show the date as Sunday. We all know that the early hours of Sunday morning are still Saturday night, don’t we. Everybody knows that. Maybe.

Today has been either wildly unproductive, or wonderfully restorative, depending on which way you look at it. After a slow start, and the usual round of chores, my other half and the younger children headed off to a school field where preparations are being made to run a summer camp for somewhere in the region of four hundred children next week. I roused Miss 17 from bed, and invited her out for a coffee in town.

Perhaps more accurately, I asked if she might like to do anything, and she whispered “Starbucks?”. She’s been suffering with tonsilitis all week.

After perhaps half an hour, she emerged from her room, dressed and washed, and we began a very slow and quiet walk into town. We sat in Starbucks together for a while, nursing a coffee, talking about nothing in particular, and then slowly and quietly made our way around the nearby shops. She really wasn’t well, but getting some fresh air was definitely the thing to do.

Along the way we visited the local bookshop, and I thought “what the hell”. After perhaps fifteen minutes browsing around, I did my bit to support independent booksellers, and carried an armful of books to the counter. All of them for Miss 17.

She now has a paperback copy of “IT” by Stephen King, which I’m hoping against hope she will read. If we read it together (I’ve still not read it), it will at least give her somebody to talk about it with. While thinking about that, I really need to get back into using Goodreads. I used to use it years ago, but it’s been so long, I’ve forgotten what I’ve read since last updating it.

This evening has somehow vanished into it’s own black hole. I’ve played video games, washed up, watched a boxing match live via the internet, washed up some more, and thought about reading a book. Of course I didn’t read the book – I fell down an internet rabbit hole, reading about obscure art-house movies. Several of them are downloading right now.

In the middle of all of this, I look at the clock ticking past 1:30am, and wonder how this is happening. Normally I would struggle to make it past 10pm without yawning – and here I am, several hours later, wide awake. The universe must have a pretty twisted sense of humor.