Behold the Blogroll

In spite of original thoughts to keep this place bare bones, simple, and minimalist, I'm slowly adding, extending, and growing it's virtual tentacles. It's not quite a kraken yet – more a five legged mini octopus. I never was good at analogies.

I've added a blogroll page.

It primarily lists the blogs I have read for years – many of the authors are now far flung friends – communicated to via email now and again, typically in the dead of night, while avoiding the arrival of tomorrow.

While compiling the list I figured it was probably worth adding the new people I have found – and having done that, I felt bad about the Tumblr community I left behind – so included a few of them too. Truth be told, in the end I was fighting impulses to include favourite A-List bloggers, celebrities, interesting media blogs, and so on.

Before digging too deep a hole for myself, I remembered the post about Unblogging, and stopped myself from turning a simple list of interesting blogs into the “Encyclopaedia Blogspherica” (I just made that one up, if you were wondering – I'm rubbish at analogies, but I'm good at making rubbish up).