Being a Busy Idiot

The beginning of the day should have been a portent. I don't have to be in the office until 9am most mornings, and I only work 3 miles from homewhich is why I can get away with cycling to work on a mountain bike (and have the legs to show for it). This means I'm usually the last to leave on a morning, and get to chase the kids out of the houseensuring they get to school on time.

This morning the clock kept tickingas it tends to on an alarmingly regular basisand swept straight past the point where Miss 15 should have left for school. It doesn't help that Miss 15 has a curious relationship with timeit's almost like they ignore each other's existence.“Are you ready yet?”“Yeah”“So why aren't you leaving for school? You'll be late!”“I've got a nose bleed”.

I stood at the foot of the stairs for the next half an hourshouting instructions that were no doubt ignored about how to stem a nose bleed. Finally she did manage to stop it (or realise I was going nowhere, so the ploy wasn't going to work), and trudged down the stairs and straight out into the cold morning air.

I sighed with relief.

Moments later I pulled my mountain bike helmet onto my head, and thought “that's strangeI can't see a damn thing”. The plastic peak on the front of the helmet had partially snapped, and swung down like the face guard of a medieval knight. Fantastic. I snapped the peak completely off, and laughed at myself in the hallway mirror. Suddenly I looked like a very overweight track cyclist in combats and a reflective coat.

I'm not even going to bother writing about the remains of the day. Let's just say the two days fighting reboots and updates paid off with a pretty seamless demo over the internet to a far flung client.

Roll on the weekend.

Tomorrow will be filled with housekeeping tasks ahead of next week in London, and then putting clothes in bags to spend the week after at the coast visiting my parents. So expect all manner of lunacy from me tomorrow to makeup for the relative absence today. You have been warned.