Birthday Bowling

We took the little girl formerly known as Miss Eight bowling with her friends yesterday afternoon. After tipping out of work early, I made it home in time to cram into a borrowed people-carrier with seven little people, and set off for the local bowling alley.

I was hilariously bad. Out of two games, I think I got about 3 spares, and 1 strike. No more than 130 each game. It is the first time I have been bowling in a year or so though – and before that probably 5 years (and before that, maybe 10 years!).

So yeah I enjoy bowling, but can never find the right ball, and have never had instruction. Just bowling the ball anywhere near where I intended it to go was an achievement this evening, and didn't start happening until the end of the first game.

It's funny there was an American girl with her boyfriend a few lanes up, and the kids watched goggle eyed as they got strike after strike, spare after spare.

“How are they doing that?”

“It's probably their regular evening out together each week – if you like doing something, and keep at it, you get good at it”.

The little boy in our group continued blaming the lane, and the balls.

The highlight of the afternoon was the arrival of party balloons and hats at our lanes, prompting the newly crowned Miss Nine to deploy her rugby skills, arriving at the head of the gaggle of children, shouting “I'M THE BIRTHDAY GIRL!”, and pointing at herself with both hands.