Blogging 101 Ends
And so it was, while pretending to look like he knew what he was doing, he stumbled through January without falling over, and stayed the course. He followed a few new people, read a lot of posts, commented on quite a few posts, and wrote some utter, utter tosh. Quite unexpectedly, he enjoyed it.
Why am I writing this in the third person?
I have signed up for the 201course (all about that base branding, apparently) – which might be a mistake, given that I'm against branding. Maybe I should think of it as a Bible Study class, where I'm the Athiest in the room. I might learn something about those that obsess over marketing, while not following any of the advice myself. Surely it would be easier to go and read Darren Rowse's “Build a Better Blog” book? I guess we'll find out.
In the meantime, the weekend is here, the sun isn't shining, and the birds aren't singing – so (paraphrasing Winnie the Pooh), it's not a hummy kind of day. Think of me standing on the touchline of a football pitch tomorrow morning, and a rugby pitch on Sunday morning while you're sitting in bed with the newspaper and a cup of coffee.
I guess I do havesomethingto celebrate this week – the re-discovery of somewhere in the region of three and a half thousand old blog posts, tracing my inane blatherings all the way back to 2003. At some point I need to figure out how to build an archive page – and a useful way of highlighting some of the “big moments” that were recorded along the way (struggling to think if there were any, but there's bound to be some ridiculous postshidden away in the mountain of garbage).