Broken Bones, Chest Infections, and Distractions

The broken toe is slowly getting better. It's taped to the toe next to it at the moment, and while it's not doing the “stabbing pain” thing that it delighted in for the first few days, it's doing pretty well at making the most mundane things more difficult than usual.

I can pedal the mountain bike, for example, but stopping at junctions, and getting on and off it are a challenge. I naturally put my left foot down when I stopthe one with the broken toeand my saddle sits just high enough that you would normally be on tip toes which I can't do. I'm having to re-train my brain to slip off the saddle when I stop, which it turns out is a difficult thing to change.

Getting off the bike is worseyou would normally stand on the ball of your foot, and pivot as you swing your leg over the framewhich means bending and twisting your toes. I can do neither, so have to pivot my pelvis, and intentionally twist my kneenot the best idea in the world, given that I dislocated my left kneecap several years ago. It's weirdalmost like the twisting motion sets off alarm bells in my brain.

Just to improve the week out of all recognition, I'm battling a chest infection. This morning's “kit” (acquired from the shops on the way to work) includes a packet of lockets, a bottle of Lucozade, and some cookies. I have nurofen in my bag in case the coughing gives me another monster headache.

I can't really complain about being unwell, because I'm usually the one that is fine while everybody else falls around me. The current maladies have not stopped me doing anything so farI still get lumbered with tidying the house up, and washing up each morning and evening.

Anyway I also mentioned “distractions” in the title. I've got too many fingers in too many pies at the moment. I need to declutter somehow. Throw some things away. Stop doing so many things. In some ways I guess it's already startedI rarely touch Twitter, or Facebook for instance, but loath closing the accounts because they are useful to keep in touch with distant friends. I've somehow ended up with WordPress and Tumblr blogs again, and againdon't want to kill either, because I know people in both communities. On top of all that, I'm still picking away at PluggedOut (the social network I created out of curiosity) from time to time, and wondering what to do with ittoying with a Kickstarter.

Finally, I've become sucked into playing a video game called “Kerbal Space Program” recently that has become all-consuming late at night. Rather than sit in bed reading at midnight before falling asleep, I'm usually homeward bound from a pretend moon landing at 1am, and then idiotically reading until 2am. Like I saidI need to stop some things, rather than trying to do everything.

Amid all the distractions, I'm not keeping in touch with friends, and this is what worries me the most. A part of me says that it's not really “me” that has drifted away from everybody elseit's that they have drifted away from mebut it doesn't make it any easier.