Change is Good

It feels like we've been here before. Several times. I guess at least this time there is a reason for the scorched earth goings on, and the migration between blogs with different names. It's a reason cloaked in obsessive compulsive behaviour, but at least it's a reason, and that's good, right?

It all started (and ended) with Tumblr. I wanted my “name” to be the same at Wordpress, Tumblr, and Instagram – which, it turns out, is incredibly difficult if the ass-hats at Tumblr decide that the name you used to have (recursivewords) is no longer available because it has been used in the past. We'll forget it wasme, and humor them.

Long story short – at some point this week I decided I was finally going to do something about aligning my online stars once more, and set about finding a new name that I liked. While posting various words into an online thesaurus, the word “codex” came up – essentially latin for “book”. Aha – I could attach it to “recursive”, and have something similar, but actually better, because it's not just about words – it could be pictures too.

So – that's the story behind the name “Recursive Codex”. The next struggle is to export and import my old content. I have the export files, but the first one appears to have fallen over mid-import. If nothing happens with it, I will start hassling Wordpress at some point in the next day or two.

If you made it this far into this post you probably deserve a medal. Normal blogging service – writing about mundane daily adventures – will resume in the near future.