Chasing Unremarkable

Since arriving back at WordPress I have been trying to get away from deep, thoughtful blog posts. Instead, I have endeavoured to record the mudane, the inconsequential, and the unremarkable. I want this blog to become a stream of consciousness that reflects a more truthful version of myself than an otherwise carefully crafted and curated collection of writing might.

I want this blog to be about memy thoughts, my experiences. While I might touch on the madcap adventures of my children, I will not concentrate on them, because they have their own story to tell. This is not going to become a “Dad Blog” (if it strays too close, let me know, and I'll quickly revert back to the insufferable navel gazing).

It occurs to me that exposing too much of my inner mind to the internet would probably cause scenes such as those in 2001 A Space Odysseyyou know the ones; where you have to read the book before any of it makes any sense. I guess this is the book though, so that kind of makes the analogy recursive. A book that you only understand if you've read the book. HmmmWhile writing this I'm sitting at the dining table with the Chromebook, Sennheiser's in my ears playing “Radio Musicola” by Nik Kershaw into my head, and an empty cup of coffee by my side. “Empty cup of coffee” sounds wrongperhaps it should be “a cup that once had coffee in it” I have no plans for the remains of the evening beyond sitting here and perusing the blogosphere.

A voice on my shoulder tells me I should really go and find a book to read, but that requires effort. Sitting here, clicking the keys and listening to good tunes requires comparatively little effort.

I need to go and shut the chickens in. Yes, we have chickens. Two of them. We used to have three, but one of them bought a tricycle and went off on her own adventure somewhere else. We found no feathers, so we doubt a fox brought a premature end to her expedition.