Choosing Tumblr

After thinking quietly about this for the last few weeks – about the madness of cross-posting all over the place, or playing off one blogging platform against another – I am throwing everything else away, and will just have Tumblr for a while.

The truth is, I don't really write the personal posts for anybody – they are just for me really – to sort my thoughts out, to vent, to share moments with nobody in particular. I'm not building a brand, or marketing anything, or advertising a lifestyle. I'm not commenting on fashion, or trying out food, or reading books. I'm just some random guy, emptying his thoughts into the keyboard.

So yeah I'm choosing Tumblr. Of course, me being me, I figured out how to migrate this year's written posts back into Tumblr. If you go look at the public-facing version, it's interspersed with lots and lots of written posts now.

p.s. I'm keeping a backup at Blogger (which you are reading if you can see this).