Cleared for Departure

Somehow there is only an hour of the working day left, and I find myself in the curious position of not having stopped at all yet. You might think – working from home – that I would be afforded all the opportunities in the world to procrastinate, but no. I'm not that clever.

After throwing a sandwich together at lunchtime, I joined a call with a colleague ahead of a stream of meetings, and ate while talking. He laughed as I ate as quickly as possible in order to talk while walking him through things on my screen.

The entire day has been a bit like that, as was yesterday.

I filed a leave request earlier for next week – meaning I'm officially “not working” while visiting my parents. Get ready for a deluge of blog posts the like of which this blog has not seen for quite some time.

I'll take the little laptop with me, and write while travelling. I have no idea how long it's battery lasts – I suppose I should check that.

(Five minutes pass while I pull the laptop out of my bag and give it a drink of electricity – it's battery is very, very flat).

The kindle is also on charge.

Guess who will begin searching out clean clothes this evening, before running the washing machine to destruction when he discovers a distinct lack of anything vaguely presentable that might have made it through the wash recently.


In other news, I took my youngest daughter to the doctor this morning. After sleeping for two days and looking like a Dementor had paid her a visit, we decided to get her checked out. Tonsilitis. Wonderful. She's now on even more antibiotics. It's been a pretty rubbish few months for her – fingers crossed she's better soon.