Dawn of Justice

Following the football match we were supposed to be watching this afternoon being called off, I managed to sneak off to the cinema this afternoon and watch “Dawn of Justice”the quarter of a billion dollar Batman/Superman/Wonderwoman/Doomsday slug-fest that the critics, and movie-snob internet hipsters all tried to trash.

I'm afraid I'm going to take sideswith the millions of people that have taken no notice what-so-ever of the critics, or the overly analytical cinemaphiles. I loved it. I loved a lot of things about it. Yes, I could go on about the cinematography, or the special effects, or the soundtrack, or how Gal Gadot blew both Batfleck and Henry Cavill out of the water from the moment she appeared on the screen (and confounded the clueless journalists and comic-book-nerds that wrote her off from the moment she was cast).

It wasnot a movie to take children to. I'm always amazed when parents turn up with young children, having taken no noticeat all of the film classificationand this was no different. I spotted a young boy of about 9 years old at the front of the cinema, and wondered what he thought half-way through the movie. He was probably at turns either bored, embarrassed, or horrified.

This wasn't a pop-corn super-hero movie at all.

And just for the recordI loved the closing moment before the credits rolled. The movie was full of such momentsthat vacant idiots not paying attention would have missed. The entire movie was full ofeaster eggs, oblique references, and clever connections to stories yet to comebut then I'm guessing most of it blew past the critics and hipsters that were either busy fishing around in the bottom of their popcorn, or checking their text messages.

I liked it. A lot.