Drinking Tea and Cooking Bolognese

After meeting my brother at the railway station yesterday afternoon we immediately detoured to a grocery store so I could pick up the ingredients to make meals over the next few days. Healthy meals.

Tonight I made a vegetable version of bolognese and must have done something right because everybody clean-plated. We had enough left over for a couple of lunches in the week – mostly because I'm used to cooking for a family of five. I think somehow I'll be helping re-write the grocery delivery order tomorrow morning – adding fruit, green vegetables, and juice.

It's been an interesting stay so far. The biggest struggle has been to stop my Mum helping. I'm here so she gets a rest – but trying to stop her is... challenging. I get it. I will probably always be the same with my children. Somehow I managed to keep her out of the kitchen long enough this evening to get the meal cooked before she could offer any input. I wonder if I'll be able to achieve the same tomorrow?

We're having beef chilli tomorrow night.

My Dad is on the slow road to recovery. He's not allowed to do too much and is on a cocktail of tablets, but is doing well. I'll let him have a cheat night or two in terms of food later in the week – for the moment I just want to get some half-decent food into him.

We're drinking cups of tea at a frightening rate. I don't think I've boiled the kettle so many times in a single day ever before.


That's all I really have to share. I'm taking each day as it comes, and seeing what the next day brings. That's all I really can do. Feel free to message me (details are in the about page) – I'm here all week!