Dropping Google Mail

I moved away from Google Mail last night. I had been using Inbox (Google's whizzy new mail app) in both the browser, and on my mobile phone. If you didn't know, Inbox is the great vision of the future that Google will eventually force on you whether you like it or not (go watch theirpresentation if you have not seen it).

I don't like Inbox, because it aggregates multiple notifications very poorly – which makes the emails from LiveJournal worse than useless. It also requires a monster phone to work smoothly (I have a monster phone, and it's still choppy).

After clearing all the chores out of the way last night I switched my active email address everywhere to I've had the account since I had a Windows phone a year ago. I then set about visiting each social site, changing my address – Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, LiveJournal, Instagram, Ello, Squarespace, Wordpress, Medium, Feedly, Pocket, Spotify, and so on.

Interestingly (for me), Spotify wouldn't let me change my email address because it swore blind that my password was wrong – you know – the password I just logged in with. Urgh... I'll try again in a minute.

I don't actually mind Microsoft's mail, calendar, and file storage stuff at all – and given that I'll be switching over to a Windows phone in the next few days, it makes perfect sense to have one account, rather than many.

(now I have the “one ring to rule them all” speech stuck in my head)