Eating and Drinking
People who take any notice at all of the rubbish I post on Instagram probably think I'm some kind of heavy drinker, given that I routinely post pictures of wine glasses, and beer, and whatever else. The truth couldn't be any more different really (which is quite depressing, because it's means most days are incredibly mundane – hence my disappearance from the social interwebs for days or weeks from time to time).
Lets take tonight as a good example of what I might eat and drink while holed up in a hotel with work.
Layered salad from the supermarket across the road. Really designed to be a pre-packed lunch, but I'm eating it for dinner instead.
Chocolate sundae thing from the supermarket – in a clear plastic cup. I've had a crappy day, so thought “why not”.
Fruit smoothie – made with all sorts of crap that's supposed to “energise” me.
Packet of 5 oat and raisin cookies. I'll eat them throughout the night along with cups of tea and coffee from the freebies they give you in the hotel.
And that's kind of it!
When I'm at home we tend to eat pretty healthily, because our eldest daughter is coeliac, and my other half is vegetarian – so nearly all meals have to be made from scratch. The only exception is pizza, which we have maybe once a week. Of course everybody thinks we eat it all the time because I make such a big deal of it when we do have it (I like pizza!).
Typical meals at home are spaghetti bolognese, spaghetti and meatballs, pasta bake, roast dinner, various salads, sausage and mash, chilli and rice, stir fry... all sorts of things really. By default we have orange juice or fruit squash on the table at every evening meal – and try to always sit down together to eat on an evening if we are all there. We probably have one or two bottles of wine in any given week between us – sometimes not though, because we don't think to buy it.
At home I drink tea or coffee most of the time. Just recently I've been drinking red bush tea because I got a bit sick of coffee.
Oh – I very rarely eat breakfast, which I know is bad. Oh – and we hardly ever go out for meals, for the simple reason that we can't afford it.