
I just finished installing “Elementary OS” on the old desktop computer at home – the one in the junk room that I tend to sit at while writing blog posts. On the off-chance that anybody else needs to use it, they can still re-start it and boot into Windows 7 – the hard-drive is partitioned, and has a boot-loader (meaning, it asks if you want Windows or Linux when you start the machine).

If you’re wondering what on earth I’m talking about, Elementary OS is a Linux distribution – an alternative to Microsoft Windows. After reading “Just for Fun” by Linus Torvalds, I got bitten by the bug again, and did a little research – leading directly to tonight’s tinkering escapade. I had run Linux on the old computer at home for years, before recently installing Windows to keep the kids happy – although they have their own computers, they still gravitate towards the desktop because it has a big screen, and I keep the desk tidy (read:empty).

Anyway – I’m massively impressed with it. It “just works”, and looks beautiful. I’ll sort out some screenshots at some point.

Enough with the nerdy stuff.

I have something wrong with my left eye. It happened at some point this morning – a blood vessel burst, I think – leaving me with a red stain just below the tear duct. I’m hoping it will vanish over the next day or two as my body repairs itself – if not, I’m guessing I’ll be making an appointment at the doctors to let them take a look. I imagine it’s just tiredness – travelling around the country, and burning the candle at both ends was bound to catch up with me at some point.