Embracing your inner weirdness
Over the last month or so I have been trying to find more time for myself – listening to my own music, writing my own words, sharing the various photos I take during the day – and of course connecting with friends via the multitude of instant messaging options available.
Life has a habit of sneaking up on us from time to time, and the unimportant consumes us. No matter how selfless we might like to be, we forget the most important thing to look after is number one. It pays to invest to find something for ourselves, that belongs to nobody else.
While immersing myself back into the world of those who blog over recent weeks – who share their life and thoughts online – I found myself thinking about commenting; about their importance or unimportance. After worrying for some days that comments could be seen as a form of attention seeking, I realised something.
Feedback from the passing crowd reminds us that we are not all the same. The differences make people interesting – without them our stories, views, and opinions would hold no interest. By contrast, concordant feedback leads to the affirmation that you are a part of something bigger than yourself – that you are not alone in your thoughts and opinions. You are not quite as weird as you perhaps thought.
Weird is good though. Everybody needs to embrace their inner weird sometimes. The really weird stuff is always the most interesting, and yet typically is only discovered by those closest to us – those we share our lives with.
If you happen upon this philosophical navel examination of a post, thank you. Thank you for taking the time. Now go embrace your inner weirdness, and share a little of it with the world.