End Over End

I'm sitting in the dark of the junk room in front of the old PC, tapping away at the keyboard in a text editor. It's Friday night. While the imagined rest of the world are heading out for a night of drinks, food and fun, I haven't shaved since Wednesday. I don't even know where any clean clothes might be.

The all consuming project I have been working on in the daytime got it's first outing in front of the client today. Four hours in the conference room wincing at the appearance of each bug – each oversight – fighting to update the code while the demonstration continued. Standing up the first alpha of a project for scrutiny focuses the mind somewhat.

My thoughts are still tumbling end over end – I find it difficult to let go of things sometimes. At one point during the demonstration I held my head in my hands – fighting to concentrate on what had just caused an issue while everybody around me carried on conversations.

I think perhaps a good night's sleep will work wonders.