Ever So Slightly Tired

My other half returned home after her week away yesterday eveningjust in time to immediately change clothes, and head out to the local community radio station awards evening. Neither of us had any idea why we had been told we must attendwe imagined it would be to pick up an award on behalf of the infant school where my other half works.

Turns out we were wrong.

The local radio station hosts the awards evening each year, and most of the awards are voted for by the publicfor things like “Best cup of tea in town”, “best restaurant”, “best customer service”, and so on. Each year they give out a “community” prize too thoughchosen by committee, and awarded to somebody in the community that has made a difference. My other half won it (the video is on Facebook).

Here's the thingI know a lot of people who have attended the function for the last several years, who run kids clubs, and other similar businessesand they will never win an award, because their club isn't big enough. It's not fair. I think far more of the awards should be chosen by committee, in order to promote the wider community, and the people within it that go the extra mile but are only “famous” among their small circle of friends.


The “ball” was funif only to people watch. Because of the people we know, we ended up on the “centre table”with the CEO of the radio station, and the small circle of friends we have come to know over the years we have lived here. I couldn't help grinning, knowing that a few people I knowwho were in the roomwould have killed to be on the central table, because it would have meant something to them.

Highlight of the night for me”winning” the auction for a selection of England Rugby memorabilia. We now have a bag hidden away with a signed Rugby ball, signed shirt worn in the World Cup, and various other bits and pieces. Our middle girl will almost certainly be getting it all for Christmas.