Every Other Day
While cycling home from work this evening through steady rain, I started thinking about this blog – that after months of posting nearly every day, I seem to be sliding towards a post every few days. It's not something I consciously thought about or decided – it's just sort of happened.
I've been head down on development work recently – programming. If you didn't know, I'm a software developer – one of the silent priesthood that makes computer systems do useful things like remind you about that invoice that needs paying, or chases you for that budget approval. I use the term “priesthood” because most of my work involves trying my best and then praying it works – which is ironic, given that I don't believe in any form of god or gods.
The girls are out playing “touch rugby” tonight – in the rain. My other half will be holed up in the clubhouse sipping hot tea while they run their sodden socks off. I imagine the washing machine will be forced into action minutes after they return – proving (if proof were needed) that washing powder is rubbish at getting grass stains and mud out of anything.
I'm listening to a Elton John inspired playlist while writing this – put together by the mighty Amazon. Many of Eltons albums are among the free ones you get with Prime. I've stopped using Spotify until they sort out their volume issues – do you use the Spotify web interface? Have you noticed the volume abruptly change recently? It seems to have happened following a Windows 10 update.
And yes, the reason for the Elton kick recently is the “Rocketman” movie. I might try and take our eldest to see it this weekend, if she's up for it. I would love to see it again – although it's RARE for me to watch a movie twice at the cinema. I had to laugh earlier this week when I saw the Mark Kermode review of the movie from BBC Radio 2 – he's typically the most down-beat, unimpressed movie critic, and yet he freely admitted that he struggled to put any objective words together for Rocketman, because in his own words, he just wanted to tell everybody how brilliant it was.
Right. Time to go put the kettle on, and do nothing on purpose for a couple of hours. Maybe a movie with Miss 18, if I can find anything interesting.
p.s. I've been wondering about turning this blog into an email newsletter again. Given that blogs are changing, and that email newsletters seem to be on the rise, perhaps I can be a unicorn in that world, instead of a unicorn in this? Or maybe in both? I'll think about it.