Everything and Nothing
I’m sitting at the desk in my office, kicking around various bits and pieces – researching cloud stuff, brainstorming, and talking with the other developers about possibilities for future projects. I know several projects will be kicking off in the coming weeks, meaning travel both to the other end of the country and overseas, so this is really the calm before the storm.
The danger with not working on a specific project is your mind begins to wander – or at least mine does. Not so long ago I used to draft all blog posts as text files, saved in either Google Drive or DropBox, and copy them into Wordpress, Tumblr, or wherever else when I was ready. I’ve been thinking about going back to that. The only question is where I might store the files – Google Drive, DropBox, Box, GitHub, BitBucket, OneDrive, or somewhere else. I even contemplated using the USB stick on my key-ring.
You see – this is my own special madness – thinking up things to do that don’t need doing.
Remember last October, when I fetched the 2003 vintage iMac out of the attic, and contemplated using it for writing? I spent a couple of evenings tinkering – first connecting it to a ZIP drive, then to the internet. I somehow convinced myself it would be a good idea, and then left it sitting on the desk for a few weeks before packing it back away. I should probably give it away to charity – as I did with the old netbooks late last year.Getting rid of the things I might tinker with strikes me as a good way of preventing me from tinkering with them in the first place.