Falling from the knife edge

It is in my nature to do whatever needs to be done to make those around me happy. You might liken it to walking along the edge of a knifewhere nobody really notices how precarious your balance might be, but you don't mind because you're quietly engineering the happiness of everybody else without their knowledge.

This is all fine until you finally do fall off the knife edgeor rather, as was the case today, are forceably shoved. Repeatedly.

At one point before dinner I held my hands up in the kitchen, and gave up. A few minutes later the youngest member of the household took on my normal role, and started forcing people to apologise to each other. I think it shocked everybody, and kind of forced everything back on-track. I kept my head down and continued making dinner while she waved her magic wand.

It comes to something though, when the only person that can see you losing your balance is an eight year old.