Falling into the Weekend
I've been sitting in front of the computer in the junk room for the last hour, thinking I should post something or other, but no words are appearing on the screen. The tap that so often releases a torrent of idiocy into my little corner of the internet doesn't seem to be cooperating.
There's really not a lot to tell at the moment – the children are back at school and college, I'm back at work, and so is my other half. No sooner has the daily routine begun to approach normality then the weekend has appeared to throw us off again.
I somehow talked myself into taking Miss 17 out for coffee in the morning (if she gets up). Miss 13 has arranged to visit a friend, and I'm almost certain Miss 14 will spend half the weekend watching YouTube if we let her.
Life is carrying on. One foot in front of the other.
At some point over the weekend I need to pack another bag. I'm heading back to Frankfurt in Germany on Monday. Another week away. Another week eating alone – either in my hotel room, or in the corner of restaurants. You never know – I might actually get to read a book or two while away – unlike the holiday where I spent almost every waking minute in the pool with the children.
There are plans afoot at work to extend the project in Germany well into next year. I'm not sure how I feel about it at the moment. I suppose this is one of those times where I have to do something about improving my lot – perhaps explore Frankfurt a little more – make a few friends in the city so I'm not alone each time I visit. I don't know – I'll have to think about it.