Fighting Fires and Making Plans

Today has been interesting. Of course I don’t really mean interesting – I mean tiring, frustrating, irritating, and all those other words. You don’t really want to hear about me fire-fighting source code that has worked for months and chose not to this morning though, do you. I can’t really tell you anyway, because it’s all to do with the secret super-hero job in the hollowed out mountain. Or something like that.

So yes – today has been interesting.

The highlight of the day – that I CAN tell you about – was almost certainly my abortive attempts to book a hotel room in Germany for a few weeks time. Why did nobody tell me that Oktoberfest is kind of a massively significant thing in Germany, and that it causes the cost of hotel rooms to multiply? I accidentally thought the cost of a single room at the Holiday Inn was for four nights. Nope. When the receipt arrived in my email, the blood quickly drained from me, and I made a panicked phone call. I was super-nice, and they cancelled the reservation for me, even though they really didn’t have to.

The next two hours were spent scouring every place in Frankfurt for somewhere to stay. I ended up choosing a hotel perhaps a couple of kilometres further away – a hostel. It’s still going to cost an arm and a leg, but there was really no other option. I’m hoping there are some places to eat nearby – I’ll have to do some research.

What else has been going on? Not much, to be honest. I’m persevering with the Bullet Journal, fighting a losing battle against the great clothes washing mountain, winning sporadic battles with the washing up, and wondering who the hell rebooted the computer in the junk room while I was out earlier (the one I’m using right now). Pencil shavings have appeared all over the carpet too – guess who will be retrieving the vaccum cleaner from it’s hiding place in a minute.

Roll on the weekend. I only discovered this morning that Monday will be a bank holiday. Hoorah!