Filling my Moleskine with Manga

Many moons ago I bought a Moleskine notebook filled with plain paper, and did nothing with it. It's been kicking around the house for months. Over the last couple of days, for no apparent reason, I've started filling it with Manga.

[gallery ids=“2106987800,2106987801” type=“rectangular”]

Here's the thing – a very long time ago, I did art at college. I can draw. I knowhow to draw. Back in the day I used to spend most evenings drawing people in sketchbooks – real, living people, standing in front of me. I got quite good at it, in the way people tend to when they do it all the time. And then I left college, and that was kind of the end of that.

Maybe this is the beginning of me drawing again. Filling notebooks with half-finished things. Manga has interested me for ages – probably more so than DC or Marvel style artwork, because it's so distinctive. I would love to know the back-story – the reason the girl characters are almost always portrayed with huge eyes.

Anyway... expect to see a few more posts in the future with excerpts from the sketchbook. I might just stick at it.