For longer than I can remember, I have carried a Filofax personal organiseraround with me. Back in the late 1980s they were quite the fashion accessorytoday they are a forgotten relic. In the UK most stationers still carry re-fills for them, but they are becoming increasingly rare.
The Filofax in the photo accompanying this post sits on the desk alongside me. It was bought for my birthday several years ago by my other half.All it has inside is a pen, a week-to-view calendar, and some notepaper. The notepaper gets scribbled on in meetings, and thrown away days later as the information becomes obsolete. The calendar is a backup of sortsa duplicate of the mighty Google Calendar that lives inside my phone.
I've considered retiring the Filofax several times over the years, but I find itstrangelycomforting to have it nearby. I tend to remember things better when I write them downthere's also the thing about it's battery never running flat, and it being a pretty good paperweight (not that I ever sit outside with paperwork that might blow away).
When I wander into a meeting at work carrying the Filofax, I often wonder if anybody will say anythingyou just don't see them any more, so it's become a curiosity. While everybody else sits surfing the web on their phone during boring meetings, I invariably doodlefilling page upon page with nonsensical drawings that will inevitably find their way to the bottom of the waste paper bin later in the day.